Q-LINK, follow-on to I-QU PLUS-1, was created to provide BIS users access to non-BIS data. Q-LINK is a precursor to what is commonly called client-server architecture. Q-LINK operates outside of BIS, acting as a server that executes Q-LINK programs. BIS runs call a unique run function requesting that the server execute the program and return the data to BIS. Consequently, the Q-LINK program handles all data access independent of BIS.
Q-LINK’s high-level language provides the BIS run writer all the flexibility necessary to access any 2200 data model. The language is easy to learn and boasts a command set that lends itself to highly structured and efficient code. In addition, Q-LINK programs may be maintained in runtime libraries for convenience and effectiveness.
The Utilities
The Data Item Index File Program, QINDEX, creates a file that contains data definitions of DMS 1100 database records, SFS/PCIOS data files, BIS RIDS and even RDMS 1100 relational tables.
Q-LINK Utility, QUTIL, is a BIS run that aids in the development and testing of Q-LINK requests or programs.
The Q-LINK External Run Function, @QLK, is the means by which the BIS run writer communicates with the Q-LINK server that runs a Q-LINK request.
Application Development Features (detailed information)
- Select from Multiple Date Formats, Including Those Used in Date Arithmetic
- Use Wildcard Characters on IF Statement Comparisons
- Control Case Sensitivity on IF Statement Comparisons
- Command to Shift Characters to All Upper or Lower Case
- Ability to Trim Insignificant Leading and Trailing Spaces from Data
- Automatic Detection of Overflow of Numeric Edit Masks
- Has Built-In CSF Command for Dynamically Assigning and Freeing Files, etc.
- Contains Useful Date Conversion Commands
- Commands May Be Abbreviated for Quick Development
- Provides In-line and Procedural DOs for Highly Structured Code
- Easily Coded Data and Variable Definitions
- Save Programs in Object Form to Secure Source Code
- Full Diagnostics for Easy Debugging
Supported File Types
- FS 2200 and PCIOS
- DMS 2200
- Direct I/O
- RDMS 2200
Required Software
Any currently supported System Base Release (SBR) or supported level of the following Unisys OS/2200 software products are necessary for the installation and operation of Q-LINK: BIS, ASCII COBOL, COMUS, ED, ELT, EXEC, MAP, MSAM, PCIOS, PLUS, SORT, SSG, SYSLIB, and UCSRTS.